- I am researching about dormitory.
2. Why are you researching this building typology?
- Because I never design any dormitory before. I want to learn more about it.
3. What is the specialty of this building type you would like to research i.e. museum for dance, school for digital media...
- I would like to research about dormitory for college/university students.
4. What are the examples that you will be researching... list the examples, location and architect (10 examples)
- TIETGEN DORMITORY / Denmark by Lundgaard & Tranberg Arkitekter
Year: 2006
- Address: Rued Langgårdsvej 10-18, 2300 København S
- Area: 26.800 m²
- Number of flats: 360
- Client: Fonden Tietgenkollegiet
- Client Advisor: Niras A/S, Hasløv & Kjærsgaard og Freja Ejendomme
- Photographer: Jens Lindhe, Lundgaard & Tranberg
- Engineer: COWI A/S
- Landscape: Marianne Levinsen A/S + Henrik Jørgensen A/S
- Address: Rued Langgårdsvej 10-18, 2300 København S
- Area: 26.800 m²
- Number of flats: 360
- Client: Fonden Tietgenkollegiet
- Client Advisor: Niras A/S, Hasløv & Kjærsgaard og Freja Ejendomme
- Photographer: Jens Lindhe, Lundgaard & Tranberg
- Engineer: COWI A/S
- Landscape: Marianne Levinsen A/S + Henrik Jørgensen A/S
- Medaille College Student Housing & Commons, Buffalo, NY
Architect: Yazdani Studio
- Ingenious project:100 student Dorm Rooms made from shipping containers
5. What are you goals for working with this building type?
6. What are the program elements that you see included at this point in your building? ( may evolve once more research is done)